Saturday, September 16, 2023

Lorelei At Fifteen

You are our exuberantly chatty girl with a passion for learning and all things animal.

You are up for trying almost any book and continue to love reading.

You read the Christy Miller Series and the Sierra Jensen series this summer. It was SO special for us to be able to talk about these books that I read back when I was your age!

You crochet and/or knit almost every day. You were taught some basic crochet by a friend which then turned into many self-taught crochet and knitting projects. You use a little mix of video tutorials, books, and creativity.

You are extremely focused on saving up money for horse camp. Not just any horse camp, but the perfect camp a few states away that you have seen in your horse magazines. You are doing various odd jobs and sales (of previously mentioned yarn items) in order to save up. 

You love volunteering at ManeGait and telling us stories about both the horse and the rider you work with each week.

You enjoy horseback a couple times a month.

You love all things decorating and planning from parties to your bedroom. 

You enjoy listening to a horse podcast several times a week. You listen to classical music, holiday music, and more Christmas music from CDs at night.

You love learning behind-the-scenes movie information.

You love research.

Quotable Moments:

L: Mom, we should pick up Greek food.
Me: No, we don't need to eat out.
L: But what about your mental health!?

"Is that song from your era? The 1900s?"

(At the Oklahoma farm...) "I learned something! The cows are more receptive to Spanish than English!"

(Brad threw her a sweatshirt and she was in fear it would mess up her curls.) "Ugh! I have curls!"

B: Do you know what organized crime is?
L: Like if mom were a criminal, she'd be organized.

"You and your one-word answers!" (Her opinion of my texting responses...)

"I want chili so much I can smell it!"

E: What do you think, is a real fire pit better than a gas fire pit?
Lor: That's like salad versus ice cream!

"I think some people don't take summer as seriously as we do."

(Makin kept asking for more scrambled eggs after his tooth removal...he typically isn't a huge egg fan... Lorelei and I look at each other incredulously...) "Do you think they fixed his taste buds?!"

Lorelei's Fifteen Year Interview

Favorites -
Food: Spaghetti
Place: the beach, CMA (Clearwater Marine Aquarium), ManeGait, Universal, my room, anywhere with animals
Movie/TV Show: Harry Potter, The Mysterious Benedicts Society
Color: Pink, Purple, Teal
Thing To Do: Read, knit, do stuff with animals, horseleader at Manegait, schoolwork, horseback riding
Animal: Dog, Horse, Dolphin
Books: Harry Potter Series, any animal books, historical fiction, Gryphon Chronicles, Keeper Of The Lost Cities, High Hurdles
Song: Brave Souls and Handpainted by Cozi Zuehlsdorff
Treat: Ice Cream, brownies, dirt
Holiday: Christmas

What do you like to do with Dad? back massages, coffee shops, trying new foods

What do you like to do with Mom? go to fun places, homeschool, read books

What do you like to do with Makin? reading the same books, teasing each other, outside time

What makes you happy? animals, the beach, books, knitting, Manegait

What do you think about before you fall asleep? the next day, fun places I've been, fun places I want to go to

What do you want to be when you grow up? Zoologist/Animal Behaviorist (Whatever degree gets me a job at CMA or somewhere similar)

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