Monday, August 17, 2009


We had a pretty low key weekend since we were a bit limited because of Brads gigantic owie. :) We didn't think getting sand and salt water on the wound was the best plan, so decided to stick close to home. Since Lorelei seems to get bored with her toys rather quickly and prefers to be outside anyway we went out on the balcony to enjoy the nice weather and thought we would give coloring a try. Most of the coloring stuff in the stores says 18 mo+ so I figured we would have to wait, but it went fairly well...kept that paci in the mouth to keep the crayons out. :) She enjoyed it, cant say we have a mini Picasso or anything. :) She has also been working a lot on walking of course. She enjoyed going back and forth between us and the chairs. She is getting more and more confident each day.

Should also mention Sunday...Lorelei is getting worse and worse to try and keep in church, so I had resolved to try the nursery next time. We still keep her in as long as possible, but left by the sermon (we are doing good to make it that long). Anyway I stayed for a few minutes while she started playing and then snuck out. The lady said she just looked around and saw I wasn't there and then just kept on playing! I was relieved that she did well and figure I'll take it as she is confident that we will return rather than could care less if her mother is there. ;) Glad to know we have that option for to sit in peace for about 20 minutes for the first time in about 12 months!

Lows: Brads swollen up ankle; Lorelei's lack of naps; errand running

Highs: Lorelei sleeping in earlier this week; good family time; Lorelei's joy in walking

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