Thursday, April 3, 2014

First Lost Tooth

Miss L has been asking "When am I going to loose a tooth?" for about 3 years now it seems. :) Ever since she heard about it she has been dying to loose a tooth. The big moment finally came! After our initial shock (and my mom and google reassuring me its a normal age to loose a tooth) we were so happy for her. When you see Lorelei, she will probably say, "Guess what, I lost one tooth. Eating an apple." :) She tells everyone and anyone she sees.

So, to tell the story, we were in Omaha because Brad had to fly out early (this is why they are in a hotel room) and she was having a quick apple after swimming and bath since supper was worn off. She took a couple of bites and then suddenly held out her tooth and said, "Whats that?"

I just loved them hamming it up for the camera for me. :)
She also loved calling Nana and Grandma to tell them the big news.

Checking out her hole in her mouth in the mirror. You are probably wondering about her cheek, the same day she ran into a pillar at the mall. She was not watching where she was walking. No relation to the tooth being lost. :) 
She was very excited about the tooth fairy coming. I was a little concerned as I had a whole plan of making a special envelope that hung on her bed, which of course we had not done yet and certainly could not do at a hotel. But the tooth fairy made her appearance despite the circumstances. :) Lorelei had the idea to write her a note. "I lost one tooth." She was elated the next morning and got a very special dollar since it was her first. She thinks that means the tooth fairy turned her tooth into the dollar and is not planning to part with it anytime soon! :)

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