Monday, July 14, 2014

Tball Season

Lorelei's tball season was Monday evenings in June and two weeks into July. The YMCA was the perfect place to start her first activity. She was very enthusiastic and proud of being on a team.

Lorelei's first tball game was lots of fun. She was so excited. Her dad picked out her glove all on his own and she was totally elated to get a pink one. We held our own little practice in our yard before the game which I think helped her feel less nervous. She gets quite nervous for these types of things...where does she get that!? ;) After the game she was proud she did not forget to drop the bat, which was a common problem at practices. "Mommy, I dropped the bat immediately!"

She also slept with her glove that night. :) So sweet.

A few action shots throughout the games...

Dan and Michelle came to two of Lorelei's games.
Makin loved having Michelle to keep him company and play catch in between watching Lorelei.
Team Photo...I'm thinking I could teach the Y a thing of two about photos eh? And Lorelei's take on the photo? "You should not have done my hair like that because I look like a boy." She is on the back row third from the left. :)
Her favorite part of playing tball was, "Being the pitcher and running the bases."

1 comment:

  1. What fun! I love that she slept with her glove. Too cute.
