Saturday, January 24, 2015

Lincoln Children's Museum Visit

You may remember how much I absolutely love Lincoln Children's Museum. It is definitely one of the best. It had been almost a year since we have been. We like to go in the winter as a great indoor fun activity. This visit we paired it with me dropping off Brad and the kids so I could run a few errands for a couple of hours, and then joining them for the last two hours. It worked wonderfully and we all had a great time. It wasn't even too crowded for a Saturday. :)

The grocery store. They loved getting all their items and Makin always loves the scale at our real store so it was fun to try one out as much as he wanted here. At the check out, there was a book you could scan your items with, and some items had a bar-code attached to scan. You could also put how many of that item you had. So fun and realistic for them!

This pizza place was adorable. There were menus to order, and then every topping fit together. They loved making me pizzas.

This was a little bank, and they could send up scarves in the clear tubes. There was another child on the other side and they really enjoyed talking to him through the speaker and asking him to send certain colored scarves to them.

Lorelei's favorite was the prairie dog holes. (Guessing my dad is going to get a kick out of that one!) She loved climbing in and out in different spots. She also enjoyed painting her face and putting rubber bands on the geoboard.

Makin's favorite was the "marble thing" which is kinda like a huge marble run, but the balls aren't actually marbles. I would love one of these in my house. Its completely fascinating and relaxing at the same time. :)

One of the only driving pictures I got this visit! :) Loved the realistic noises it made!
Great way to spend a Saturday.


  1. Love that place! We had a membership and would do the same thing you did.:) kids loved that place. I see a lot of familiar things. Glad you got away. I know how much you dislike winter.:)

  2. That museum looks like it is super neat!
