Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day

Our Valentine's was a bit hectic, but we managed to fit in most of the important stuff. :)

We make sure to keep one of our favorite traditions, which is the hearts on the kid's doors. Didn't get a picture of it but maybe I'll add it later. :)

Heart Cookies

I have a little story to go with this Valentine Box...for whatever reason, we have never been tasked with a box before...usually, the kids make them in class or during this busy week I simply asked Makin to make his box (the day before V-day of course) and I was quite proud of myself for just letting him do his own thing, even when he didn't want to glue or tape but staple...and then, I checked social media around 11 pm. There they were, the adorable boxes of his classmates...those moms had spent actual time working with their child on their box...then I had a Valentine's Eve meltdown and Brad and I came up with a few options to offer Makin when we woke him up...early so that he could decide what 1 hour box he may or may not want.

Adorable Stapled Box

Cool Box
Superdad to the rescue again!
Seriously, so thankful for him.

I got to spend a bit of time with Lorelei's class for her party. It was pizza day already so we just added some Valentine's BINGO for some fun and had a bookmark they could color.

Enjoying his party!

One of the reasons the day was crazy was that Thursday is DI. It also happened to be my last DI with my 1st and 2nd graders and Brad needed his group to practice at our get the gist. All of this meant V-day supper needed to be quick, and finally I came up with this plan just before grocery shopping and it was a hit. :) Still special but no cooking!

But we had to make sure we had time for chocolate covered strawberries!

Happy Valentine's Day!

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