Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jump Time

We have had some wonderful, WONDERFUL days and I feel like there is no way this is January. I love when our days are filled with bike rides, bubbles, sandbox time, backyard golf, trips to the park...and that is what we have had lately.

The Hughes family got a trampoline for Christmas and we were invited over after school on Thursday.
SO. MUCH. JUMPING!!! Makin wanted nothing to do with it, but he had plenty of balls etc to keep him entertained while the girls jumped. After picking Lorelei up from school we even stopped at a park to play before going to their place (they don't get home from getting Aubrey until 3:30) so our kids slept sound that night for sure! :)

M&M :)

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for fabulous January weather and great friends. What happy girls on the trampoline and that M&M picture cracked me up. :-)
