Thursday, January 3, 2013

Snow Much Fun!

So, these pictures are just so precious...I think I just want this to be mostly just a picture post. We got an amazing snow and wonderful snow-playing weather. is some of the fun we had over several days.

Do have to add Makin's sledding story...he came with us the second day of sledding in the pasture. Went down great the first time but as soon as he was done and we asked if he wanted to go again he was definite on his, "No." We coaxed him and bribed him with hot chocolate, a cookie and yogurt and finally got him to go down a second time so we could get a video. :) When we asked if he wanted to go a third time he said, "No. Two times." And repeated, "Two times" if we ever asked again. And quickly followed with, "Hands cold. Home now." :)


  1. LOVE all the pics! Looks like a lot of fun and sweet memories.

  2. Aw, that looks like so much fun!! Lor looks like she's totally in her element! I love the look of joy on her face. And Makin is too funny. He reminds me of Chase.
