Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

Gorgeous 70s weather today and we couldn't be more thrilled! Lorelei and I took a walk to Food Lion just before our friends Sara and Lily came by to walk over to Mt. Trashmore for playgroup. They even brought their wagon, which Lorelei was very excited about. How different it was from the last time with their wagon on July 4th! These girls were jabbering all the way pointing out water and dogs and whatever else was interesting. Lorelei mostly copied what Lily was saying so there were lots of "ma mas!" and we couldn't usually tell which one was demanding our attention. We were just thankful that it was words instead of just whining or screaming like the old days right? :) I should also mention we had to take our stroller along just to carry our bags of snacks and drinks. :) Toddlers are bottomless pits!

Then all the kids had a good time playing at the playground. I'm sooo thankful now that Lorelei is coordinated enough to walk around on the playground herself and all I have to do is get to the bottom of a slide to catch her. :) She does a great job stopping and sitting at the top of slides and also getting up stairs and even did a new type of climbing stairway yesterday. What a big girl we have! Soon I'll just be one of those moms on the bench (eh hem, but not texting) watching from afar while she does it all on her own. Crazy thought!

Then we took the wagon home part of the way before the girls decided walking would be more fun, which naturally took at least twice as long, but hey wear them out right? :)

After returning Lorelei already looked ready for a nap but we then had lunch and then played out on the balcony topped off with a little walk in our complex to try out her new flip flops for the first time! She isn't quite sure what she thinks of them. :)

She finally went down for a late nap at 2 and slept about 2 1/2 hrs, and I'm usually thrilled with 2 because usually 1 1/2 is what she would prefer. Thinking this Spring and Summer will be wonderful for naps! Then Brad even got to come home a bit early and we went out to enjoy some smoothies.

As I write this it is already raining and will rain the rest of the week, but at least we got a glimpse of what is to come and can't wait to enjoy many more days outside! :)

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