Monday, July 12, 2010

A Big Girl Kitchen

Since we already have to figure out how to fit one more family member and all of his baby stuff in our apt, we figured what the heck...why not try and fit a kitchen AND table too. ;) After all I do like a challenge right? ;)

Well, we have been waiting to get Lorelei a big girl kitchen for a while now, and it was easy to put off when we thought a move was soon to come, but after deciding we would be staying longer than planned, I quickly started a craigslist hunt for a kitchen. I just couldn't wait until her birthday when I kept watching her try and fit her dishes in the little mini kitchen we have had for a year now and tell her they were too big to fit! This girl needed a kitchen. :)
We'll just consider it an early birthday gift...

Then as I started seeing the craigslist postings I decided not only did she need a kitchen, she needed a kitchen with red counter-tops. Perhaps my lack of happiness with my own kitchen made me that much more set on finding her the perfect one? :) I would also like to note HER frig has an ice maker. ;)

When I found the red counter top kitchen it also happened to come with a table and chairs that we really didn't plan on getting...but Lorelei is very much enjoying them. We hope to get a nicer table and chairs in the future, but this will be good for now...if we can manage to find a spot for it to fit. :) As you can see she was proudly cleaning everything when we brought it home. She also sat right down at the table and said "snack." She has actually been using that just as much as her kitchen!

We have been very thankful for having a new toy to keep us busy around the house as we have been staying in a lot lately to keep out of the heat. Right now I would say one of her favorite things to do with her kitchen is push the "popcorn" button on her microwave...what will they come up with next? :)


  1. Awesome! Lorelei look so happy sitting eating her raisins, so precious :)!
