Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Grapevine Park and Botanical Gardens

It had been way too long since we have had a visit with Auntie Di, so we decided to meet up in Grapevine and get out and enjoy the beautiful weather together. Looking at parks online I found this one, which is also has a small gardens next to it to enjoy.

This was Lorelei's favorite thing at the playground. It took a couple of trips, but eventually she climbed all the way to the top, and then determined she wanted to go across the part that went over to the playground as well. Such a brave girl! :)

Their other favorite part was definitely the fish. We were able to buy fish food, and they just loved getting to throw it in. Lorelei would put it nicely in the water and say "here buddy" and the like to each fish for it to eat. Makin just loved throwing them as hard and far as he could. :) He especially loved seeing Auntie Di and walked right up to her and took her hand when we got there.

We all enjoyed walking and exploring as well as eating a picnic lunch. Thanks for a great visit Di!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Congrats on conquering the net, Lor! I'm very impressed!
