Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Lorelei Turns Six!

Sept 1st quotes... (Just before bed.) "I can't believe its almost TOMORROW!!!" and "The sooner I close my eyes the sooner I'm six!!!"

We had a very Frozen birthday to celebrate Lorelei turning six. Since she decided to just go with the race car theme for the kid's joint party this coming weekend, I wanted to make sure she had some girly colors etc to make her feel special for her day. We had blue/white/purple decorations and her cupcakes she took to school went with the Frozen theme as well. She had more than one questioning reaction when she said, "I brought Frozen cupcakes" because people kept thinking we just took them out of the freezer or something. :)

We started her day with opening presents followed by eating Mickey Mouse pancakes. Amid all the cooking and getting ready for our day she was coloring and enjoying her new things all while blaring her new Frozen soundtrack from her room.

She loved celebrating at school. I walked her in since we had the cupcakes, and as soon as she walked in her teacher wished her "Happy Birthday" and the four kids sitting and coloring (like little quiet angels I might add) chimed in their "happy birthdays" as well. She came home with a gift from her teacher and a book the teacher made for her including a coloring page from each classmate of a birthday cake! She got to help hand out her cupcakes too and made sure to give the only boy the Olaf one. :) She also gets to be line leader all week. :)

When she got home I cooked her requested lunch (I'm going to have to require a less elaborate lunch following years!) and then after quiet time we headed to the park to ride bikes and play on the playground.

In between all of this she loved playing with pretty much every single new toy and building with her new legos with Brad when he finished work for the day. She also loved receiving some special phone calls from family and friends wishing her "Happy Birthday."

Of course, spaghetti was her supper request. I'm not sure if she will ever change her favorite food. Fine with me! :) Then we finished out the day with cupcakes and ice cream and sang to her TWICE with candles, per her request...because we let her have two cupcakes.

Thankful for a wonderful day celebrating our amazing six year old!


  1. Aw, what a special day for such a sweet girl!! Happy Birthday, Lorelei! Can't believe that you are SIX!

  2. Legos! Awesome! Happy to a very sweet girl! :)

  3. Happy birthday Lorelei! Love all of the Frozen stuff. Looks like she had a fun day.
