Sunday, September 14, 2014

Makin's New Schedule

Our little man is adjusting to the big change of his sister going to school five days a week. So far, he is not a fan of this new plan. He often mentions that he misses Lorelei. "Lorelei is really good at building restaurants for the airplanes...Lorelei would help me feel brave..." Even Drue has noticed...."We don't have anybody to be Krypto!" (Superman's dog, of course) Even through I get into Lego building etc with Makin I'm just not the same! :) Of course, Lorelei beams when I tell her that she was missed that morning. SO I'm hoping Makin will learn to appreciate his one-on-one with Mom soon! :) The other big problem with our new schedule is both kids being jealous of what the other sibling got to do while they were separated! Definitely a work in progress!

We decided not to put Makin in preschool this year. Reasons: 1) He didn't really have a desire to go 2) I don't feel he needs to go...he has socialization from Drue days/storytime/playdates/kindergym/family night, he has no trouble academically so no worries there, PLUS I'm doing home-school preschool with he and Drue twice a week, and finally, he will learn about listening to teachers through kindergym, storytime and family night.

His schedule this school year is:

We waited to start preschool after Labor Day.
 Lots of fire fighting/super heros/car/train play with these two!
Mondays and Wednesdays are Drue days where we will do home-school preschool in the mornings.

What will we cover during at-home preschool?
Calendar time - days of the week, month and date, zoo phonics and any other fun learning songs (they both LOVE music)
Name practice - neither of them are huge on the writing thing, but Lorelei practiced her name a ton at preschool and it helped her so much that she knew how to write it
Letter/number learning pages and activities - whatever awesome printables and games pinterest has to reinforce the letter we are learning that day...the challenge for teaching them is that they are on different levels so still working to challenge M further since he had a lot of this last year.
The rest of the day will be just fun time learning through play! And you know I will have to throw crafts in there...but probably in the afternoon so Lorelei can join us. :)


Letter Bingo

Name Practice..."Mom, can you be quiet? I'm concentrating."

Special Treats Before Storytime

Tuesdays and Thursdays are Y Move Junior (previously Kindergym) at the YMCA for an hour, Thursdays storytime with Mr. H follows right after at 10:30.

Y Move Jr has actually been a bigger deal for him than I thought and he has asked not to go! Both times he has gone so far, he says he enjoys it but, "Can I not come back next time?" He has no real reasons why, other than "I just want to be with you all the time." So I guess its a very good thing we have a few of these to get him warmed up for school when we get to that point.

He was also nervous for our MOPS meeting, where he goes to Moppetts for 2 hours while I'm in a meeting. This is only once a month. He even asked me to sew him a felt heart like Lorelei's! So yes, I sewed him a dark and light green felt heart (even had green thread!) the night before MOPS! :) I kept cheering him on saying it was like going to school like Lorelei. He wasn't upset when I left, just quiet and when I picked him up he seemed happy about his time there. His favorite part was playing with the hula hoops in gym and the fun sound they made when they hit the wall. :) Baby steps for our little man! And it felt great to get 2 hours with adult kid-free conversation! :)

Fridays will hopefully be fun days! (Plus once a month a MOPS mtg) And in all of that I'm going to try and balance fun one-on-one and errands! :) All of us have some adjusting to do! :)


  1. It's adorable that Makin misses Lorelei so much -- it says a lot for their sibling bond! It sounds like a great schedule, I'm sure he'll adjust soon and will really appreciate his individual time with you.

  2. Fun activities! Sydney loves Makin's firefighter outfit!
