Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sayin and Doin

I can't get enough of my kids and thing things they say and do!


Common sayings around the house now include:

"Do you know what I'm thinkin?"
"I have a plan."
"If you say so..."
"I told ya."
"I think he likes me." (usually referring to dogs or Makin.)

Other sayings of cuteness:
"These my tippin' toes?"

I was choosing a toy to take away as punishment and chose her doll stroller. She protested, "But Makin loves that thing!"

The last couple of times Brad has gone golfing (work associated) she has given him a pep talk. "Remember Daddy, hit it way, way, way out there okay Daddy?"

As she was carrying something sort-of heavy when helping Brad around the house. "I'm strong! Maybe it from all that milk!" :)

She is absolutely in love with the new TV show Doc McStuffins. This is not surprising as it is a little girl being a doctor to her stuffed animals and any other toys that come her way needing help. Now I hear many things that are associated with that show from her. A few are...

"I have a diagnosis."
"We will get you fixed up in no time!"
"Hoftibil." (Hospital)
And my best chuckle came when she went potty without saying a word to me and I was raving that she was such a big girl and she simply said, "Yeah, doctors do that." :)

She is starting to use more and more big words and a couple I jotted down were "concentrate" and "adorable." :) So much fun.

This picture was when she was hopping around the house on her hopping ball and Brad gave her a hug before he left. :)

Another comical story from the other day...she was playing with her baby dolls and she and I were supposed to be the big sisters. As she was introducing her little baby to me she said "Sometimes she hits and throws things." :) Gee, where did she get the idea that babies do that? ;)

She requested Brad build her a horse. :)

As for the sleeping/paci update things are a bit better. She has still asked for them just on occation, and still stays up/gets up early sometimes, but I finally figured out to play music while she sleeps, which has helped!

She is on a pretty big dress up/dance kick lately. She has worn her tutu over her shorts out a couple of times and says she wants to take dance class. (We'll see if it is still true at age 5!) One of my favorite "sigh" moments was when she was just dancing around her room in her tutu to her music that was playing before nap. Love age three and just love my girl.


In this picture he had put on Lor's backpack and was telling me bye and waving to say he was going to school. :)

His talking progresses more each day and week. We are loving so many new words, and hearing him attempt to say many things. Still no "D" though!
A few words I jotted down (but there are many more) include bug, Makin, block (probably ug, mame or something like that and ock is how he says them, but not totally sure as they are not as common), "ny ny" (or something like that for Daddy, but he definitely calls him that) "ot" (hot) "at" (hat) "my" (mine...second child's top priority word ;) ) and my personal favorites "ro ro" (roly poly) and "ish" (ice, which he asks for every-time he sees me fill his sippy cup with water)

I almost break into a grin after giving him a lecture with one of his other latest idea where he got it but after I tell him something sternly he replies with, "mem mem" (yes ma'm) Seriously?! Must be the Texas air. ;)

And his favorite dress up shoes? Yep, the pink fluffy high his defense, they are really the only ones that come close to staying on his little feet. :) Anyone want to send us some fireman boots? ;)

He also has a couple of "signs" he came up with on his own. When he wants sunglasses he will pat his eyes. He also holds his finger up at you for "be right back." :)

His current favorite book is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?" He always says "ain" for me to read it again. He is on a big "read it again" kick for many of his books and would have me read them 3+ times each if I would go for it. Thankfully he doesn't mind that I usually just read them twice and move on to the next one for my sanity. :)

I get the ultimate compliments on my food from this little gentleman. :) He takes a bite and follows it with a big "MMMMMM!" and sometimes followed with a hug. :) Can't get much better than that.

He runs pretty much everywhere. It is hilarious to see him try and round corners at break-neck speed. :)

He is just my blond-haired brown-eyed ball of sweetness and cannot get enough of this age either. 20 months. That is getting a little too close to sounding like age two. :(


  1. Love the update - miss those kids like crazy! We're Doc McStuffins fans here too - such a great little show that I even like to watch it.

  2. You do realize, of course, that he will NOT be happy with you someday for the heels picture. :)

    Thanks for sharing the sayings, they made me laugh. :)

  3. Oh, also, tell Brad I'm impressed by his horse!

  4. Sweet, sweet kids!! Love all their sayings, it goes by way too fast!

  5. I am completely in love with your legos. My kids would go crazy over them!! Such adorable things they're saying these days. And your blond-haired brown-eyed boy is the SWEETEST little guy.
