Friday, March 18, 2011

Brother Sister Fun

These two are really starting to have fun together. Love them.

This box has been amazing entertainment...not sure when I will ever want to get rid of it. :)

One of my favorite moments with these two to date happened probably a month or so ago...Lorelei was dancing to Elmo (he has songs/ remember the annoying one we got at a garage sale) and laughing. Makin was just watching her and cracking up. Hearing them both laugh together at each other was so much fun. Now Lorelei tries to crack him up with Elmo dancing every once and a while...and here is just a quick glance at what it is like. :)

Lorelei can get Makin to smile and laugh easier than anyone else. He still absolutely adores her and is excited to get to play with her more and more.

Lorelei loves to include him. When people say "Hi" to her in the store etc, she responds by saying "This is Makin." (of course they can't quite understand her, but its the thought that counts)

Looking forward to many more moments like these.

1 comment:

  1. They are so cute together -- the dynamic duo!! I can't wait to see them on our next TX visit!
