Monday, February 6, 2012

I Love You To The Moon...And Back

From the book, "Guess How Much I Love You" If you don't have it, get it. One of my favorite children's books ever and Lorelei FINALLY loves it. I remember reading it to her when she was a year old or less, and she had no interest whatsoever...well apparently age three is just right for this book! :) Now sometimes at night she will tell Brad and I that she loves us to the moon and back. Completely melts our hearts! Anyway, obviously this is how I feel about my kids, since I cannot say enough about them...and have been jotting down notes like crazy, so here we go again, another post of cute things my kids say and do. :)

"I sit still like statue. (30 seconds goes by) I moving statue. (starts walking) I talking statue. "
(Yeah...maybe statue isn't her best thing.)

Lorelei requested raw carrots and ranch for breakfast and after a little coaxing still was not budging on her choice. And what parent should argue with carrots? So as I was getting them for her I said, "Your weird." and her reply was "I know." followed by her made up song "Wah carrots and Wanch!"

Me: Do you need to go potty?
Lor: No. It normal dance.

She speaks her own language and makes up random words that usually sound like eekahbuhkabeah...and she calls it Spanish. :)

"It's too quiet. Makin must be getting in trouble."

When people tell her something, especially a compliment she replies with "I know."

She is using some more fun vocab words like gorgeous and delicious.

We were discussing that I did not want to eat at Applebees and she seemed to think she wanted to eat there so she just told me, "Then you can just stay in the car."

At 8 AM the morning of Makin's food day she said, "Mommy, my tummy says, 'I want to eat cupcakes RIGHT NOW!'"

Anything she names has a double name. Beary Bear, Monkey Monk

He cracks himself up.

He folds hands for us to pray and then after we do the "old prayer" (what Lorelei calls our traditional one that we usually say) he holds his hands up in the air to do the Superman prayer. :)

If he does something naughty (and usually knows he shouldn't) and I give him "the look" he will just start shaking his head if, "yes I know that look means you are saying no."

Sometimes when you ask him how long he will hold up his full hand to say "5 minutes." (Lorelei was not keen on this new time concept when that was how long he wanted to wait to share something.) :)

Like a typical male, he needs to have pain sympathy. If he gets injured I have to acknowledge that he was hurt and give him a little hug and then he can go on his way perfectly fine.

He will gasp with excitement. (Especially when he hears big sis wake up!)

Getting more ornery. He will take something from Lorelei just to get a rise out of her.

He is very good at making known what he wants by yelling or pointing.


  1. Love, love, love reading about what your cute kiddos say!

  2. LOVE those kids - so cute! Can't wait to see them!
